Logo Biennial Baroque Geneva 2023


Guided tours

We are offering fully sponsored thematic guided tours of Geneva on Saturday, 1st July. We are absorbing all costs to ensure these enlightening tours are offered to you free of charge.

There are two exciting tours to choose from: 

  1. Calvin and the Protestant Reformation: The Movement That Changed the
    History of Europe
    – A fascinating exploration of the life and impact of John Calvin on Protestantism and Geneva’s intellectual and international influence.
  1. Secrets of Geneva: Well-Kept Secrets | A Tour Full of Revelations!
     Discover Geneva’s intriguing secrets with a passionate guide, exploring hidden passages, bright places, strange creatures, and enigmatic doors for an extraordinary experience!

Each tour, led by professional guides from the Geneva Tourism & Conventions Foundation, lasts approximately 2-3 hours and is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 1st July. If you’re interested in participating in one of these tours, please register through the form provided at this link https://forms.gle/QnRfhJ4M76mffCyM6 before Sunday 11 June 2023.
The exact schedule of the tours will be communicated right after the
registration deadline.

Biennial Baroque Geneva 2023

20th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music